Sep 17, 2009

Doctors: Upcoming Live Webcast on "Digital Replication - A fundamental change in restorative dentistry"

Presenter: Dr. Brian Schroder, D.D.S.
CE Credits: 1

Webcast Begins: 9/24/09 8:00 PM ET

The Lava™ Precision Solutions Team is pleased to announce a one-hour live presentation with Dr. Brian Schroder.

Digital alternatives to elastomeric impression materials have recently been introduced to the dental profession for the fabrication of indirect fixed restorations. Dr. Schroder will briefly discuss the systems currently available, how they work, and present clinical cases of indirect restorations that have been fabricated from digital replications using the Lava COS. Included in the presentation will be techniques for preparation and isolation of teeth which will enable dentists to obtain excellent impressions, be they digital or conventional.

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